Orientation to Earthdata Cloud Access#

Tutorial Lead: Anna Windle (NASA, SSAI)


In this example we will use the earthaccess package to search for OCI products on NASA Earthdata. The earthaccess package, published on the Python Package Index and conda-forge, facilitates discovery and use of all NASA Earth Science data products by providing an abstraction layer for NASA’s Common Metadata Repository (CMR) API and by simplifying requests to NASA’s Earthdata Cloud. Searching for data is more approachable using earthaccess than low-level HTTP requests, and the same goes for S3 requests.

In short, earthaccess helps authenticate with an Earthdata Login, makes search easier, and provides a stream-lined way to load data into xarray containers. For more on earthaccess, visit the documentation site. Be aware that earthaccess is under active development.

To understand the discussions below on downloading and opening data, we need to clearly understand where our notebook is running. There are three cases to distinguish:

  1. The notebook is running on the local host. For instance, you started a Jupyter server on your laptop.

  2. The notebook is running on a remote host, but it does not have direct access to the AWS us-west-2 region. For instance, you are running in GitHub Codespaces, which is run on Microsoft Azure.

  3. The notebook is running on a remote host that does have direct access to the NASA Earthdata Cloud (AWS us-west-2 region). This is the case for the PACE Hackweek.

Learning Objectives#

At the end of this notebook you will know:

  • How to store your NASA Earthdata Login credentials with earthaccess

  • How to use earthaccess to search for OCI data using search filters

  • How to download OCI data, but only when you need to


  1. Setup

  2. NASA Earthdata Authentication

  3. Search for Data

  4. Open Data

  5. Download Data

1. Setup#

We begin by importing the packages used in this notebook.

import earthaccess
import xarray as xr
from xarray.backends.api import open_datatree
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import numpy as np

The last import provides a preview of the DataTree object. Once it is fully integrated into XArray, the additional import won’t be needed, as the function will be available as xr.open_datree.

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2. NASA Earthdata Authentication#

Next, we authenticate using our Earthdata Login credentials. Authentication is not needed to search publicaly available collections in Earthdata, but is always needed to access data. We can use the login method from the earthaccess package. This will create an authenticated session when we provide a valid Earthdata Login username and password. The earthaccess package will search for credentials defined by environmental variables or within a .netrc file saved in the home directory. If credentials are not found, an interactive prompt will allow you to input credentials.

auth = earthaccess.login(persist=True)

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3. Search for Data#

Collections on NASA Earthdata are discovered with the search_datasets function, which accepts an instrument filter as an easy way to get started. Each of the items in the list of collections returned has a “short-name”.

results = earthaccess.search_datasets(instrument="oci")
for item in results:
    summary = item.summary()

Next, we use the search_data function to find granules within a collection. Let’s use the short_name for the PACE/OCI Level-2 near real time (NRT), product for biogeochemical properties (although you can search for granules accross collections too).

The count argument limits the number of granules whose metadata is returned and stored in the results list.

results = earthaccess.search_data(

We can refine our search by passing more parameters that describe the spatiotemporal domain of our use case. Here, we use the temporal parameter to request a date range and the bounding_box parameter to request granules that intersect with a bounding box. We can even provide a cloud_cover threshold to limit files that have a lower percetnage of cloud cover. We do not provide a count, so we’ll get all granules that satisfy the constraints.

tspan = ("2024-07-01", "2024-07-31")
bbox = (-76.75, 36.97, -75.74, 39.01)
clouds = (0, 50)
results = earthaccess.search_data(

Displaying results shows the direct download link: try it! The link will download one granule to your local machine, which may or may not be what you want to do. Even if you are running the notebook on a remote host, this download link will open a new browser tab or window and offer to save a file to your local machine. If you are running the notebook locally, this may be of use. However, in the next section we’ll see how to download all the results with one command.


Data: PACE_OCI.20240701T175112.L2.OC_BGC.V2_0.NRT.nc

Size: 12.03 MB

Cloud Hosted: True

Data Preview

Data: PACE_OCI.20240711T170428.L2.OC_BGC.V2_0.NRT.nc

Size: 20.4 MB

Cloud Hosted: True

Data Preview

Data: PACE_OCI.20240715T174440.L2.OC_BGC.V2_0.NRT.nc

Size: 14.43 MB

Cloud Hosted: True

Data Preview

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4. Open L2 Data#

Let’s go ahead and open a couple granules using xarray. The earthaccess.open function is used when you want to directly read bytes from a remote filesystem, but not download a whole file. When running code on a host with direct access to the NASA Earthdata Cloud, you don’t need to download the data and earthaccess.open is the way to go.

paths = earthaccess.open(results)

The paths list contains references to files on a remote filesystem. The ob-cumulus-prod-public is the S3 Bucket in AWS us-west-2 region.

[<File-like object S3FileSystem, ob-cumulus-prod-public/PACE_OCI.20240701T175112.L2.OC_BGC.V2_0.NRT.nc>,
 <File-like object S3FileSystem, ob-cumulus-prod-public/PACE_OCI.20240711T170428.L2.OC_BGC.V2_0.NRT.nc>,
 <File-like object S3FileSystem, ob-cumulus-prod-public/PACE_OCI.20240715T174440.L2.OC_BGC.V2_0.NRT.nc>,
 <File-like object S3FileSystem, ob-cumulus-prod-public/PACE_OCI.20240716T164059.L2.OC_BGC.V2_0.NRT.nc>]
dataset = xr.open_dataset(paths[0])
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 0B
Dimensions:  ()
Data variables:
Attributes: (12/45)
    title:                             OCI Level-2 Data BGC
    product_name:                      PACE_OCI.20240701T175112.L2.OC_BGC.V2_...
    processing_version:                2.0
    history:                           l2gen par=/data6/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/wor...
    instrument:                        OCI
    platform:                          PACE
    ...                                ...
    geospatial_lon_max:                -63.887604
    geospatial_lon_min:                -99.13216
    startDirection:                    Ascending
    endDirection:                      Ascending
    day_night_flag:                    Day
    earth_sun_distance_correction:     0.9674437642097473

Notice that this xarray.Dataset has nothing but “Attributes”. The NetCDF data model includes multi-group hierarchies within a single file, where each group maps to an xarray.Dataset. The whole file maps to a DataTree, which we will only use lightly because the implementation in XArray remains under development.

datatree = open_datatree(paths[0])
<xarray.DatasetView> Size: 0B
Dimensions:  ()
Data variables:
Attributes: (12/45)
    title:                             OCI Level-2 Data BGC
    product_name:                      PACE_OCI.20240701T175112.L2.OC_BGC.V2_...
    processing_version:                2.0
    history:                           l2gen par=/data6/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/wor...
    instrument:                        OCI
    platform:                          PACE
    ...                                ...
    geospatial_lon_max:                -63.887604
    geospatial_lon_min:                -99.13216
    startDirection:                    Ascending
    endDirection:                      Ascending
    day_night_flag:                    Day
    earth_sun_distance_correction:     0.9674437642097473
dataset = xr.merge(datatree.to_dict().values())
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 70MB
Dimensions:           (number_of_bands: 286, number_of_reflective_bands: 286,
                       number_of_lines: 1710, pixels_per_line: 1272)
Dimensions without coordinates: number_of_bands, number_of_reflective_bands,
                                number_of_lines, pixels_per_line
Data variables: (12/30)
    wavelength        (number_of_bands) float64 2kB ...
    vcal_gain         (number_of_reflective_bands) float32 1kB ...
    vcal_offset       (number_of_reflective_bands) float32 1kB ...
    F0                (number_of_reflective_bands) float32 1kB ...
    aw                (number_of_reflective_bands) float32 1kB ...
    bbw               (number_of_reflective_bands) float32 1kB ...
    ...                ...
    chlor_a_unc       (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line) float32 9MB ...
    carbon_phyto_unc  (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line) float32 9MB ...
    l2_flags          (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line) int32 9MB ...
    longitude         (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line) float32 9MB ...
    latitude          (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line) float32 9MB ...
    tilt              (number_of_lines) float32 7kB ...
Attributes: (12/45)
    title:                             OCI Level-2 Data BGC
    product_name:                      PACE_OCI.20240701T175112.L2.OC_BGC.V2_...
    processing_version:                2.0
    history:                           l2gen par=/data6/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/wor...
    instrument:                        OCI
    platform:                          PACE
    ...                                ...
    geospatial_lon_max:                -63.887604
    geospatial_lon_min:                -99.13216
    startDirection:                    Ascending
    endDirection:                      Ascending
    day_night_flag:                    Day
    earth_sun_distance_correction:     0.9674437642097473

Let’s do a quick plot of the chlor_a variable.

artist = dataset["chlor_a"].plot(vmax=5)

Let’s plot with latitude and longitude so we can project the data onto a grid.

dataset = dataset.set_coords(("longitude", "latitude"))
plot = dataset["chlor_a"].plot(x="longitude", y="latitude", cmap="viridis", vmax=5)

And if we want to get fancy, we can add the coastline.

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.gridlines(draw_labels={"left": "y", "bottom": "x"})
plot = dataset["chlor_a"].plot(x="longitude", y="latitude", cmap="viridis", vmax=5, ax=ax)

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5. Open L3M Data#

Let’s use earthaccess to open some L3 mapped chlorophyll a granules. We will use a new search filter available in earthaccess.search_data: the granule_name argument accepts strings with the “*” wildcard. We need this to distinguish daily (“DAY”) from eight-day (“8D”) composites, as well as to get the 0.1 degree resolution projections.

tspan = ("2024-04-12", "2024-04-24")

results = earthaccess.search_data(

paths = earthaccess.open(results)

Let’s open the first file using xarray.

dataset = xr.open_dataset(paths[0])
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 26MB
Dimensions:  (lat: 1800, lon: 3600, rgb: 3, eightbitcolor: 256)
  * lat      (lat) float32 7kB 89.95 89.85 89.75 89.65 ... -89.75 -89.85 -89.95
  * lon      (lon) float32 14kB -179.9 -179.9 -179.8 ... 179.8 179.9 180.0
Dimensions without coordinates: rgb, eightbitcolor
Data variables:
    chlor_a  (lat, lon) float32 26MB ...
    palette  (rgb, eightbitcolor) uint8 768B ...
Attributes: (12/64)
    product_name:                      PACE_OCI.20240412.L3m.DAY.CHL.V2_0.chl...
    instrument:                        OCI
    title:                             OCI Level-3 Standard Mapped Image
    project:                           Ocean Biology Processing Group (NASA/G...
    platform:                          PACE
    source:                            satellite observations from OCI-PACE
    ...                                ...
    identifier_product_doi:            10.5067/PACE/OCI/L3M/CHL/2.0
    keywords:                          Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemist...
    keywords_vocabulary:               NASA Global Change Master Directory (G...
    data_bins:                         771552
    data_minimum:                      0.0069892216
    data_maximum:                      94.097694

Becuase the L3M variables have lat and lon coordinates, it’s possible to stack multiple granules along a new dimension that corresponds to time. Instead of xr.open_dataset, we use xr.open_mfdataset to create a single xarray.Dataset (the “mf” in open_mfdataset stands for multiple files) from an array of paths.

The paths list is sorted temporally by default, which means the shape of the paths array specifies the way we need to tile the files together into larger arrays. We specify combine=”nested” to combine the files according to the shape of the array of files (or file-like objects), even though paths is not a “nested” list in this case. The concat_dim=”date” argument generates a new dimension in the combined dataset, because “date” is not an existing dimension in the individual files.

dataset = xr.open_mfdataset(
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 337MB
Dimensions:  (date: 13, lat: 1800, lon: 3600, rgb: 3, eightbitcolor: 256)
  * lat      (lat) float32 7kB 89.95 89.85 89.75 89.65 ... -89.75 -89.85 -89.95
  * lon      (lon) float32 14kB -179.9 -179.9 -179.8 ... 179.8 179.9 180.0
Dimensions without coordinates: date, rgb, eightbitcolor
Data variables:
    chlor_a  (date, lat, lon) float32 337MB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 512, 1024), meta=np.ndarray>
    palette  (date, rgb, eightbitcolor) uint8 10kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3, 256), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/64)
    product_name:                      PACE_OCI.20240412.L3m.DAY.CHL.V2_0.chl...
    instrument:                        OCI
    title:                             OCI Level-3 Standard Mapped Image
    project:                           Ocean Biology Processing Group (NASA/G...
    platform:                          PACE
    source:                            satellite observations from OCI-PACE
    ...                                ...
    identifier_product_doi:            10.5067/PACE/OCI/L3M/CHL/2.0
    keywords:                          Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemist...
    keywords_vocabulary:               NASA Global Change Master Directory (G...
    data_bins:                         771552
    data_minimum:                      0.0069892216
    data_maximum:                      94.097694

A common reason to generate a single dataset from multiple, daily images is to create a composite. Compare the map from a single day …

chla = np.log10(dataset["chlor_a"])
        "units": f'lg({dataset["chlor_a"].attrs["units"]})',
plot = chla.sel({"date": 0}).plot(aspect=2, size=4, cmap="GnBu_r")

… to a map of average values, skipping “NaN” values that result from clouds.

chla_avg = chla.mean("date")
        "long_name": chla.attrs["long_name"],
        "units": f'lg({chla.attrs["units"]})',
plot = chla_avg.plot(aspect=2, size=4, cmap="GnBu_r")

6. Download Data#

Let’s go ahead and download a couple granules.

Let’s look at the earthaccess.download function, which is used to copy files onto a filesystem local to the machine executing the code. For this function, provide the output of earthaccess.search_data along with a directory where earthaccess will store downloaded granules.

Even if you only want to read a slice of the data, and downloading seems unncessary, if you use earthaccess.open while not running on a remote host with direct access to the NASA Earthdata Cloud, performance will be very poor. This is not a problem with “the cloud” or with earthaccess, it has to do with the data format and may soon be resolved.

results = earthaccess.search_data(

The paths list now contains paths to actual files on the local filesystem.

paths = earthaccess.download(results, local_path="data")

We can open up that locally saved file using xarray as well.

<xarray.DatasetView> Size: 0B
Dimensions:  ()
Data variables:
Attributes: (12/45)
    title:                             OCI Level-2 Data BGC
    product_name:                      PACE_OCI.20240413T175656.L2.OC_BGC.V2_...
    processing_version:                2.0
    history:                           l2gen par=/data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu21/wo...
    instrument:                        OCI
    platform:                          PACE
    ...                                ...
    geospatial_lon_max:                -65.40468
    geospatial_lon_min:                -103.36526
    startDirection:                    Ascending
    endDirection:                      Ascending
    day_night_flag:                    Day
    earth_sun_distance_correction:     0.9942150712013245

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